With the rapid growth of Kubernetes among global 2000 enterprises, organizations increasingly face challenges using existing enterprise storage and data protection solutions to support applications running on Kubernetes. GigaOm’s 2020 Radar Report on Data Storage for Kubernetes looks at the key criteria for evaluating Kubernetes storage solutions.

According to GigaOm, “Portworx Enterprise allows simplifying most of the operations that are currently limiting enterprise Kubernetes deployments for stateful applications, improving data protection and management processes with a positive impact on overall infrastructure TCO. It can work with local storage installed on cluster nodes or traditional enterprise shared storage.”

2020 GIGAOM Radar Report

Portworx Ranked #1 Data Storage Solution for Kubernetes

Download the full report and learn:

How a range of solutions exist to run data services on Kubernetes but few deliver the capabilities that enterprises require in terms of performance, reliability, and security.

Why Portworx Enterprise was graded as “strong focus and perfect fit” on 9 out of 11 evaluation criteria and key capabilities.

Why your existing enterprise storage solution limits the flexibility and reliability of Kubernetes deployments and how running Portworx on top solves these challenges.

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